
MHA London – Beacon Trade Park


MHA acquired this site comprising a freehold office and warehouse building formerly let to luxury mobile phone maker Vertu. Planning permission was secured for the redevelopment of the site to provide a mixed use retail and industrial park, including 4,250 sqm of business floorspace (B1/B2/B8/trade counter), 3,780 sqm of retail/A1 floorspace and 185 sqm of A1/A3/A5 floorspace plus associated car parking. Aldi and Home Bargains have already been secured to occupy the main retail units.

The contract to construct the buildings and landscaping was awarded and undertaken during the pandemic and has been completed on time and within the original pre pandemic budget

There was a demolition contract undertaken by General Demolition to clear the site post planning

Our involvement included interface and coordinating the fitout contracts by Aldi & Home Bargain.